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It is just a lot of raw information right now, but great info! The plan is to do a video for each category, rewrite each page, fix grammar mistakes and turn it into a book.
I am mainly using this page for my videos, so in time, everything will be much more organized.
Thanks for your patience!
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It is just a lot of raw information right now, but great info! The plan is to do a video for each category, rewrite each page, fix grammar mistakes and turn it into a book.
I am mainly using this page for my videos, so in time, everything will be much more organized.
Thanks for your patience!
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As a physicist that taught college math and physics for 5 years, just the very idea that anyone believes the earth is flat in 2022, is difficult to believe. The fact that hundreds of thousands around the globe based on some recent polls, is both disturbing and sad to me for several reasons. First, as a former physics professor is shows the failure at some level of our educational system, because with basic science (as I will show on my website here), you can very easily debunk the notion that the earth is flat. Heck you don't even need a science background just look at any of the literally hundreds of thousands of full earth images from space!
The fact we have very real photos of the spherical earth from space, should be evidence enough to debunk flat earth. And on the contrary, there is not ONE SINGLE picture of the flat earth from space. This is a mic drop moment and the debate should be over. Right?
Well... not so fast. NASA is evil and all pictures of earth from space are CGI or fakes. All of them? Yes, according to flat earthers', all of them. But wait, there was no CGI in 1968 - 1972 for the Apollo images. So how can those be fake? The answer is they are not, but if you buy into the flat earth conspiracy, pictures seem to not be good evidence.
As a physicist that taught college math and physics for 5 years, just the very idea that anyone believes the earth is flat in 2022, is difficult to believe. The fact that hundreds of thousands around the globe based on some recent polls, is both disturbing and sad to me for several reasons. First, as a former physics professor is shows the failure at some level of our educational system, because with basic science (as I will show on my website here), you can very easily debunk the notion that the earth is flat. Heck you don't even need a science background just look at any of the literally hundreds of thousands of full earth images from space!
The fact we have very real photos of the spherical earth from space, should be evidence enough to debunk flat earth. And on the contrary, there is not ONE SINGLE picture of the flat earth from space. This is a mic drop moment and the debate should be over. Right?
Well... not so fast. NASA is evil and all pictures of earth from space are CGI or fakes. All of them? Yes, according to flat earthers', all of them. But wait, there was no CGI in 1968 - 1972 for the Apollo images. So how can those be fake? The answer is they are not, but if you buy into the flat earth conspiracy, pictures seem to not be good evidence.
Why I am debunking flat earth?
Having now listening to literally 100+ hours of flat earth pseudoscience and nonsense, I am very motivated to help people see the (more beautiful) truth of our spherical globe.
I know a lot of you are like, "Bryant, we know the earth is a globe, you don't have to convince me". Well, I promise the science I'll share is very interesting in its own right and if you encounter a flat earther, you'll at least understand their talking points (and why they are wrong).
But I have some friends that believe the earth is flat in spite of literally 2500 years of the collective human race knowing it is a sphere. That is right, even in the dark ages, we knew the earth was a globe, though incorrectly thought it was the center of the universe until Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton.
And not only friends, but celebrities like B.o.B. , and professional athletes like Kyrie Irving believing a flat earth, and a LOT of the younger generation is buying into it, which shows an utter failure of our science education and the power of social media influencing of even ridiculous ideas! See this article below, it is SHOCKING how many people believe the earth is flat!
And believing the earth is flat is NOT a harmless thought, unless you totally keep it to yourself. People can alienate themselves from friends and family, and believing this so blindly leads to other issues of following cultish leaders irrationally.
And finally this is biggie for me, because I have been called more than once an antivaxxer and flat earther. Because a lot of truthers against the jab and agendas, are buying into flat earth, there is a current stigma of being labelled as a flat earther just because you are against vaccines. This VERY SADLY weakens the truther message and the overall population will not take us (as a group) more seriously. It is embarrassing, it really is!!
Flat earth can be proven wrong in SO MANY ways. I have collected well over 200 proofs!! And all the flat earth arguments literally have no proof or are clearly not understanding high school (and sometimes middle school) science!
Final note: I am sympathetic to those buying into this myth because the flat earth priests at the top are very clever and have many compelling (though incorrect) demonstrations and they prey upon distrust for the government. A distrust I share, but one can easily prove for themselves the earth is a globe and my book will contain many experiments and proofs. To be clear, I still love my flat earth friends, I really do. Just please keep an open mind, because I promise all the flat earth claims stem around: bad science, cherry picking, mis-quoting, incredulity, unsubstantiated claims with no proof (ie all pictures from space are CGI), and many times outright lies and deception! Example: A behind the scenes video from the Movie "First Man" starring Ryan Gosling, was touted as "evidence" the moon landing was faked (seriously). That is inexcusable! So when I say lies and deception, I mean those FE influencers that are spreading all of this. People like Mark Sargent, Eric Dubay, David Weiss, Santos Bonacci, David Murphy and others that I have seen LIE AND DECEIVE on countless occasions! So please don't believe these con artists!
It turns out the truth of our spherical planet, solar system, galaxy and universe is much more beautiful than the flat earth fantasy anyway. It really is!!
Having now listening to literally 100+ hours of flat earth pseudoscience and nonsense, I am very motivated to help people see the (more beautiful) truth of our spherical globe.
I know a lot of you are like, "Bryant, we know the earth is a globe, you don't have to convince me". Well, I promise the science I'll share is very interesting in its own right and if you encounter a flat earther, you'll at least understand their talking points (and why they are wrong).
But I have some friends that believe the earth is flat in spite of literally 2500 years of the collective human race knowing it is a sphere. That is right, even in the dark ages, we knew the earth was a globe, though incorrectly thought it was the center of the universe until Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton.
And not only friends, but celebrities like B.o.B. , and professional athletes like Kyrie Irving believing a flat earth, and a LOT of the younger generation is buying into it, which shows an utter failure of our science education and the power of social media influencing of even ridiculous ideas! See this article below, it is SHOCKING how many people believe the earth is flat!
And believing the earth is flat is NOT a harmless thought, unless you totally keep it to yourself. People can alienate themselves from friends and family, and believing this so blindly leads to other issues of following cultish leaders irrationally.
And finally this is biggie for me, because I have been called more than once an antivaxxer and flat earther. Because a lot of truthers against the jab and agendas, are buying into flat earth, there is a current stigma of being labelled as a flat earther just because you are against vaccines. This VERY SADLY weakens the truther message and the overall population will not take us (as a group) more seriously. It is embarrassing, it really is!!
Flat earth can be proven wrong in SO MANY ways. I have collected well over 200 proofs!! And all the flat earth arguments literally have no proof or are clearly not understanding high school (and sometimes middle school) science!
Final note: I am sympathetic to those buying into this myth because the flat earth priests at the top are very clever and have many compelling (though incorrect) demonstrations and they prey upon distrust for the government. A distrust I share, but one can easily prove for themselves the earth is a globe and my book will contain many experiments and proofs. To be clear, I still love my flat earth friends, I really do. Just please keep an open mind, because I promise all the flat earth claims stem around: bad science, cherry picking, mis-quoting, incredulity, unsubstantiated claims with no proof (ie all pictures from space are CGI), and many times outright lies and deception! Example: A behind the scenes video from the Movie "First Man" starring Ryan Gosling, was touted as "evidence" the moon landing was faked (seriously). That is inexcusable! So when I say lies and deception, I mean those FE influencers that are spreading all of this. People like Mark Sargent, Eric Dubay, David Weiss, Santos Bonacci, David Murphy and others that I have seen LIE AND DECEIVE on countless occasions! So please don't believe these con artists!
It turns out the truth of our spherical planet, solar system, galaxy and universe is much more beautiful than the flat earth fantasy anyway. It really is!!
Ok, then why has most of recorded history accepted the spherical earth going back now to 300 BCE! Yes, even in the dark ages and Medieval times, all the church and educated knew the earth was a sphere. Contrary to incorrect folklore, Columbus did not sail to the New World to prove the earth was a sphere, it was already known it was. Columbus' error was he thought the spherical earth was smaller than it really is. Some flat earthers seem to not properly understand history, as they don't understand science either. There has not been a single period since 300 BCE where the educated society did not know the earth was a sphere. Yes, the Geocentric model with the earth at the center of the Universe was the accepted model, but it was very much a spherical earth at the center of the universe. Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton proved beyond all shadow of a doubt that not only was the earth spherical, it was spinning on its axis and orbiting around the sun. This Heliocentric model we have known since the 1500s, but the spherical earth has never been a question going back to 300 BCE and even Pythagorus in 500 BCE, though it did not catch on with him.
And being a physics teacher and constant perpetual learner of science, I PROMISE the correct model of our earth, solar system, galaxy and universe IS MUCH MORE interesting anyway!
And being a physics teacher and constant perpetual learner of science, I PROMISE the correct model of our earth, solar system, galaxy and universe IS MUCH MORE interesting anyway!
Secondly, I am passionate about this cause because there is no flat earth science, no model that makes predictions, and certainly no applied flat earth school of engineering Nothing! This is a virus to progress, invention and innovation because flat earthers' are science deniers that teach a belief system that has no value in this world.
Thirdly it can be damaging emotionally in creating rifts and alienation with friends and family members, and can lead to being ridiculed at work. With a sad heart and tear filled eye, I have heard stories of some recovering ex-flat earthers that share the emotional agony that went along with believing in the cultish fiction.
Finally and most importantly to me is that recent polls on flat earth believers show that the people between 20 and 35 years old are the main demographic that believe this nonsense. This is both the future of humanity and of this planet, and such beliefs like flat earth have the potential to cripple progress of our great nation and other nations that have a high percentage of flat earth believers.
The flat earth is just a make-believe concept, but one that has a large cult following. But hey to each their own, if it makes them happy to believe in a Santa Claus version of planet earth, then I respect everyone's free will and freedom of speech. But I will be using my freedom of speech to do my best to help educate people on real science and critical thinking so they can see very plainly and easily for themselves that the earth is most definitely a sphere.
My prediction is that very soon, the coming high altitude launches to space open to the public will dispel beyond any doubt the earth is a sphere and the flat earth will be laughed away into oblivion. Also high altitude supersonic flights at 60,000 feet are coming soon (google "boom" the new Concorde), again spelling doom for flat-earthers as 60,000 feet the curvature is obvious.
The people that could afford to pay $250,000 for a Virgin Galactic seat saw this curvature very clearly (as have space station, space shuttle, and other astronauts have for 60 years now).
Thirdly it can be damaging emotionally in creating rifts and alienation with friends and family members, and can lead to being ridiculed at work. With a sad heart and tear filled eye, I have heard stories of some recovering ex-flat earthers that share the emotional agony that went along with believing in the cultish fiction.
Finally and most importantly to me is that recent polls on flat earth believers show that the people between 20 and 35 years old are the main demographic that believe this nonsense. This is both the future of humanity and of this planet, and such beliefs like flat earth have the potential to cripple progress of our great nation and other nations that have a high percentage of flat earth believers.
The flat earth is just a make-believe concept, but one that has a large cult following. But hey to each their own, if it makes them happy to believe in a Santa Claus version of planet earth, then I respect everyone's free will and freedom of speech. But I will be using my freedom of speech to do my best to help educate people on real science and critical thinking so they can see very plainly and easily for themselves that the earth is most definitely a sphere.
My prediction is that very soon, the coming high altitude launches to space open to the public will dispel beyond any doubt the earth is a sphere and the flat earth will be laughed away into oblivion. Also high altitude supersonic flights at 60,000 feet are coming soon (google "boom" the new Concorde), again spelling doom for flat-earthers as 60,000 feet the curvature is obvious.
The people that could afford to pay $250,000 for a Virgin Galactic seat saw this curvature very clearly (as have space station, space shuttle, and other astronauts have for 60 years now).
What is the flat earth model? There are many different flat earth groups that differ from one another on many important details, which again they will openly admit.
There does seem to be some common ground.
1. The earth is flat
2. Their sun is much closer to the earth acting like a spotlight.
3. NASA and every single space organization is fake. We have never been to space and anything dealing with space is all lies.
You might think disproving the flat earth is easy, and honestly as a physicist I feel that it is, but flat earthers have a response for just about everything. And worse, they are very vague so it is hard to disprove them.
Pseudoscience thrives on being Vague
When it comes to pseudoscience in general, there is a strong advantage to being vague. When someone is vague about a certain topic or area of their belief, well then they never can be tested and disproven because they never never actually put it to word. Then never pin down exactly what it is they believe.
As we explore two very different models, the Flat Earth Model and the Heliocentric/Globe model. we need to always keep in mind what the criteria are for a good model that can help us better understand and thrive in the world we live in.
What makes a model or theory a good one?
1)The model must fit the evidence
2) The model is as simple as it can be. Nothing is extra that doesn't need to be there.
3) The model can make accurate predictions.
4) An important criteria is that the model in its attempt to explain phenomenon is not in conflict with something that is readily observed.
5) Only valid models that can make predictions can be applied to innovating, making and building things like all the structures, transportation, communication and technological wonders in the modern world.
We'll see only one of these two models, the heliocentric model along with the laws of gravity, etc. consistently matches all the above criteria. The flat earth really has no model to begin with, so it is really doomed from the start to make predictions and function as a science in this modern world of ours.
**Any valid scientific model can rest on the merits of its predictions!**
Any challenge to our Quantum, Heliocentric and Big Bang Cosmological Model, must explain all the observations we can catalogue just as good or better than our current models OR the people trying to peddle new theories need to be quiet!!
There does seem to be some common ground.
1. The earth is flat
2. Their sun is much closer to the earth acting like a spotlight.
3. NASA and every single space organization is fake. We have never been to space and anything dealing with space is all lies.
You might think disproving the flat earth is easy, and honestly as a physicist I feel that it is, but flat earthers have a response for just about everything. And worse, they are very vague so it is hard to disprove them.
Pseudoscience thrives on being Vague
When it comes to pseudoscience in general, there is a strong advantage to being vague. When someone is vague about a certain topic or area of their belief, well then they never can be tested and disproven because they never never actually put it to word. Then never pin down exactly what it is they believe.
As we explore two very different models, the Flat Earth Model and the Heliocentric/Globe model. we need to always keep in mind what the criteria are for a good model that can help us better understand and thrive in the world we live in.
What makes a model or theory a good one?
1)The model must fit the evidence
2) The model is as simple as it can be. Nothing is extra that doesn't need to be there.
3) The model can make accurate predictions.
4) An important criteria is that the model in its attempt to explain phenomenon is not in conflict with something that is readily observed.
5) Only valid models that can make predictions can be applied to innovating, making and building things like all the structures, transportation, communication and technological wonders in the modern world.
We'll see only one of these two models, the heliocentric model along with the laws of gravity, etc. consistently matches all the above criteria. The flat earth really has no model to begin with, so it is really doomed from the start to make predictions and function as a science in this modern world of ours.
**Any valid scientific model can rest on the merits of its predictions!**
Any challenge to our Quantum, Heliocentric and Big Bang Cosmological Model, must explain all the observations we can catalogue just as good or better than our current models OR the people trying to peddle new theories need to be quiet!!
It turns out that ALL we need to assume is the Earth is roughly spherical spinning on an axis tilted somewhat from the vertical and going around the sun just like all the other planets.
THIS single assumption makes ALL the observations FALL INTO PLACE!!
1) As earth rotates it's daytime when facing the sun and nighttime when facing away from the sun.
2) The apparent motion of all these celestial objects utilizes elliptical paths and therefore can be predicted.
3) The seasons occur because of the amount of sunlight hitting one hemisphere versus the other at any given time in earth's orbit.
4) One year is no longer an arbitrary amount of time, it is equal to one trip around the sun and the differing lengths of night and day are also explained by the tilt in the rotational axis.
5) The Coriolis Effect is just the result of simple physics related to rotating bodies like the earth.
6) The two hemispheres have show different stars at night because they point out at different regions of space.
When we say the earth is round and put the sun at the center of all this motion, not only are all these phenomena easy to explain, even to a lay person, but predictions can be made.
For example, In 2017 a total solar eclipse occurred over the United States. Using a modern understanding of astronomy we can do math to predict any such event, like eclipses, the return of Haley's comet, or anything else. This is done very simply with the sun at the center, and uses Keplers laws regarding elliptical orbits which involve basic algebra accessible to anyone. Only in this model is the math so easy.
So when we operate under THIS framework, and say that a solar eclipse is going to happen at this time, on this day, in this place and then IT DOES match our prediction, with extreme precision ... This is what good theories do, they are based on observations anyone can make and verify, AND they can make ACCURATE predictions about the universe we live in. The flat earth model has no cohesive theory with any kind of equations at ALL, it is just a bunch of magic and hocus pocus that tries to force fit its faulty model with the reality everyone knows with explanations that go BEYOND ridiculous!!
Let's review the flat earth model as THEY explain it.
THIS single assumption makes ALL the observations FALL INTO PLACE!!
1) As earth rotates it's daytime when facing the sun and nighttime when facing away from the sun.
2) The apparent motion of all these celestial objects utilizes elliptical paths and therefore can be predicted.
3) The seasons occur because of the amount of sunlight hitting one hemisphere versus the other at any given time in earth's orbit.
4) One year is no longer an arbitrary amount of time, it is equal to one trip around the sun and the differing lengths of night and day are also explained by the tilt in the rotational axis.
5) The Coriolis Effect is just the result of simple physics related to rotating bodies like the earth.
6) The two hemispheres have show different stars at night because they point out at different regions of space.
When we say the earth is round and put the sun at the center of all this motion, not only are all these phenomena easy to explain, even to a lay person, but predictions can be made.
For example, In 2017 a total solar eclipse occurred over the United States. Using a modern understanding of astronomy we can do math to predict any such event, like eclipses, the return of Haley's comet, or anything else. This is done very simply with the sun at the center, and uses Keplers laws regarding elliptical orbits which involve basic algebra accessible to anyone. Only in this model is the math so easy.
So when we operate under THIS framework, and say that a solar eclipse is going to happen at this time, on this day, in this place and then IT DOES match our prediction, with extreme precision ... This is what good theories do, they are based on observations anyone can make and verify, AND they can make ACCURATE predictions about the universe we live in. The flat earth model has no cohesive theory with any kind of equations at ALL, it is just a bunch of magic and hocus pocus that tries to force fit its faulty model with the reality everyone knows with explanations that go BEYOND ridiculous!!
Let's review the flat earth model as THEY explain it.

1. A map of the Earth looks like this.
The Earth is a circular disc, surrounded by an ice wall at Antarctica.
It seems to me that somebody once came across an Equidistant Azimuthal Projection of the Earth, and thought that this was the real thing! This map is indeed a legitimate projection of the spherical Earth, but that is all it is: a projection. I wonder if most naive flat earth believers realize the map the Flat earth priests share is a projection of the 3D earth we know onto 2 dimensions.
This means of course that distances in what we call the southern hemisphere are wildly exaggerated, causing the speed of commercial aircraft to have to necessarily exceed the speed of sound in order to cover a flight like Sydney-Santiago in about 15 hours! Also we know Australia is not wider than the U.S.
2. There is a worlwide conspiracy by 'the powers that be' to keep this information from us. We have been lied to all the time.
3. Depending on the source there is a glass-like dome over the entire flat Earth. (the "firmament") The fact that we sometimes get hit by meteorites is usually conveniently ignored.
The Earth is a circular disc, surrounded by an ice wall at Antarctica.
It seems to me that somebody once came across an Equidistant Azimuthal Projection of the Earth, and thought that this was the real thing! This map is indeed a legitimate projection of the spherical Earth, but that is all it is: a projection. I wonder if most naive flat earth believers realize the map the Flat earth priests share is a projection of the 3D earth we know onto 2 dimensions.
This means of course that distances in what we call the southern hemisphere are wildly exaggerated, causing the speed of commercial aircraft to have to necessarily exceed the speed of sound in order to cover a flight like Sydney-Santiago in about 15 hours! Also we know Australia is not wider than the U.S.
2. There is a worlwide conspiracy by 'the powers that be' to keep this information from us. We have been lied to all the time.
3. Depending on the source there is a glass-like dome over the entire flat Earth. (the "firmament") The fact that we sometimes get hit by meteorites is usually conveniently ignored.
4. The sun and the moon are very small, in fact about the same size, and move on circular paths, not very high ( 3000 km ?) above the flat Earth. The sun completes one revolution per day on circles that move between the tropics throughout the year.( note: the tropics and the equator are circles on the flat Earth).There is no real explanation on what force is holding the sun and the moon up.
5. Permanent summer sunlight and permanent darkness inside the north Arctic circle is acknowledged, but there is no such thing below the south Arctic circle. ("No permanent daylight on Antarctica")
6. There is no such thing as 'space'. We have never been to the moon. Satellites don't exist, including the ISS. Pictures from Earth taken from orbit are all fake, photoshopped by NASA.
7. There is no curvature of the Earth. Ships disappearing hull-first on the horizon can be brought back into view with the proper telescope.
8. Gravity does not exist ("it's just a theory"). The fact that we can keep our feet firmly on the ground is explained by 'density': just as things that are "denser" (sic!) than water will sink, we stay on the ground because we are denser than air.
9. The Earth is fixed and immobile. If it were a spinning globe, the water in the seas would fly off like water flying off a wet spinning tennis ball.
10. For some of the flat Earth believers, all of the above must be true as they somehow read this in their Bible or Quran. (Although all apps and websites that help Muslims find the Qibla, the direction towards Mecca for their daily prayers, are based on a spherical Earth: they calculate the great circles between any location on Earth and Mecca)
11. Some other : there is no such thing as a Coriolis force. Things like the Aurora Borealis are conveniently ignored. The moon gives off its own light, it is not a reflection of the sun's light!....and I have probably forgotten to mention some more wild claims from flat Earth believers..
12. It is proposed that Antarctica is actually a huge ice wall. Maybe even a whole other world on the other side (I kid you not). But no one can go there because NASA is guarding it. But How? There is no evidence of large scale surveillance and besides, people take cruises to Antartica all the time?
13. We cannot go any higher than 7000 miles or so because that is the edge of the "Dome". So because of that, NASA had to of faked the moon landing and also fabricates the photos from space, but again how? We have had photos of the earth since the 60's which predates computer editing software by several decades. The logical hole gets deeper and deeper because it is impossible to form a consistent framework for these observations, the model must turn to conspiracy.
Using the scientific method, we'll see one of these models is correct at describing reality and the other fails.... MISERABLY!!Flat Earth Doctrine in a Nutshell - Please really ponder how ludicrous this is!!
5. Permanent summer sunlight and permanent darkness inside the north Arctic circle is acknowledged, but there is no such thing below the south Arctic circle. ("No permanent daylight on Antarctica")
6. There is no such thing as 'space'. We have never been to the moon. Satellites don't exist, including the ISS. Pictures from Earth taken from orbit are all fake, photoshopped by NASA.
7. There is no curvature of the Earth. Ships disappearing hull-first on the horizon can be brought back into view with the proper telescope.
8. Gravity does not exist ("it's just a theory"). The fact that we can keep our feet firmly on the ground is explained by 'density': just as things that are "denser" (sic!) than water will sink, we stay on the ground because we are denser than air.
9. The Earth is fixed and immobile. If it were a spinning globe, the water in the seas would fly off like water flying off a wet spinning tennis ball.
10. For some of the flat Earth believers, all of the above must be true as they somehow read this in their Bible or Quran. (Although all apps and websites that help Muslims find the Qibla, the direction towards Mecca for their daily prayers, are based on a spherical Earth: they calculate the great circles between any location on Earth and Mecca)
11. Some other : there is no such thing as a Coriolis force. Things like the Aurora Borealis are conveniently ignored. The moon gives off its own light, it is not a reflection of the sun's light!....and I have probably forgotten to mention some more wild claims from flat Earth believers..
12. It is proposed that Antarctica is actually a huge ice wall. Maybe even a whole other world on the other side (I kid you not). But no one can go there because NASA is guarding it. But How? There is no evidence of large scale surveillance and besides, people take cruises to Antartica all the time?
13. We cannot go any higher than 7000 miles or so because that is the edge of the "Dome". So because of that, NASA had to of faked the moon landing and also fabricates the photos from space, but again how? We have had photos of the earth since the 60's which predates computer editing software by several decades. The logical hole gets deeper and deeper because it is impossible to form a consistent framework for these observations, the model must turn to conspiracy.
Using the scientific method, we'll see one of these models is correct at describing reality and the other fails.... MISERABLY!!Flat Earth Doctrine in a Nutshell - Please really ponder how ludicrous this is!!
Flat earth is a belief system (like religion) with many sects. Because of this not all flat earthers can agree on what fairy tale to use, this might be objectionable to some flat earth sects.
Flat-Earth communities around the globe are separated by country borders, language barriers, prominent religions, the leading figures, etc. As a result, they form several loosely-knitted but distinct denominations. Because flat-Earth is believed, not based on facts, each of the different factions invents and endorses different sets of “explanations” and talking points. All of them only agree on a single thing, that Earth is flat, but they cannot agree on practically everything else.
For example, some flat earthers invented the so-called ‘universal acceleration’ to ‘explain’ gravity; however, most of the other denominations reject it. The YouTube personalities usually use density and buoyancy to ‘explain’ gravity, and the religious biblical literalist types do not want any ‘explanation’ that involves a moving Earth. The ‘dielectric acceleration’ explanation for gravity is popular in some obscure Spanish-speaking denominations. The ‘Moon should orbit the Sun directly’ talking point is only found in Indonesian-speaking denominations. And using the qibla direction to support flat-Earth is obviously only being discussed in Islamic denominations.
These flat-Earth denominations often wrestle influence from each other. They will even accuse others as impostors and dismiss them as the so-called ‘controlled opposition’ or ‘false flag’; NASA created them to infiltrate the flat-Earth community and discredit the entire community, or similar stories.
Flat-Earth communities around the globe are separated by country borders, language barriers, prominent religions, the leading figures, etc. As a result, they form several loosely-knitted but distinct denominations. Because flat-Earth is believed, not based on facts, each of the different factions invents and endorses different sets of “explanations” and talking points. All of them only agree on a single thing, that Earth is flat, but they cannot agree on practically everything else.
For example, some flat earthers invented the so-called ‘universal acceleration’ to ‘explain’ gravity; however, most of the other denominations reject it. The YouTube personalities usually use density and buoyancy to ‘explain’ gravity, and the religious biblical literalist types do not want any ‘explanation’ that involves a moving Earth. The ‘dielectric acceleration’ explanation for gravity is popular in some obscure Spanish-speaking denominations. The ‘Moon should orbit the Sun directly’ talking point is only found in Indonesian-speaking denominations. And using the qibla direction to support flat-Earth is obviously only being discussed in Islamic denominations.
These flat-Earth denominations often wrestle influence from each other. They will even accuse others as impostors and dismiss them as the so-called ‘controlled opposition’ or ‘false flag’; NASA created them to infiltrate the flat-Earth community and discredit the entire community, or similar stories.